
Frequently Asked Questions


Please see the guide on how to complete this here.

You can find the ClevertouchLive Training Guide under the "Drivers & Downloads" section of this page.

Otherwise, you can go to our Getting Started guide page for the basic guides.

Sky have changed their News URL that we hook into to make the Sky News presentation on our website.

Please use this URL to resolve the issue:

Our presentation template has been updated, however will need to be reimported if you still have remaining issues.

The getting started video can be found below - all of our other videos can be found here

Please see this video.

Please see the video here.

Please see the video here.

Please see the video here.

Please see the video here.

Please see the video here.

*Please note that the link now has to be written as ""

Please see the video here.

Please see the video here.


Twitter has changed its API to displaying tweets on third party websites, this means the Twitter zone is currently not functioning on ClevertouchLive. This means that you may just see a "loading" block where the Tweets originally showed.

Our development team are currently looking towards a solution to resolve this issue.

Update (14/03/2022): issue is now resolved.

Drivers & Downloads

  1. Room Booking Google Setup

    15615 Room Booking Set-up Guides_Room Booking Google Setup_01.pdf

  2. Moving from legacy EWS to MS Graph Calendar Platform

    15615 Room Booking Set-up Guides_Moving from legacy EWS to MS Graph Calendar Platform_01.pdf

  3. Network requirements guide - useful for IT Administrators


  4. Securing your CleverLive account with MFA

    Securing you CleverLive account with Multi.pdf

  5. ClevertouchLive MFA Guide which removes the restriction of having an organisation administrator accept the permissions

    ClevertouchLive MFA.pdf

  6. ClevertouchLive MFA-2FA Guide sheet for RoomBooking

    ClevertouchLive MFA-2FA.pdf

  7. A user guide for the ClevertouchLive Digital Signage system

    ClevertouchLive Signage User Guide.pdf

  8. Clevertouch Launchers instructional guide

    ClevertouchLive Launchers1.pdf

  9. ClevertouchLive Users & Permissions instructional Guide

    Clevertouchlive users permissions v1.01.pdf

  10. A PDF guide on how to assign a meeting room to SedaoLive Rooms Account

    Assigning Meeting Room to SedaoLive Rooms.pdf

  11. A PDF guide on how to setup SedaoLive Rooms with Office365

    Setting up MS Office 365 for use with SedaoLive Rooms.pdf

  12. A PDF guide on how to setup SedaoLive Rooms with MS Exchange

    Setting up MS Exchange for use with SedaoLive Rooms.pdf

  13. How to setup an iPlayer Live Web Stream

    Using BBC iplayer.pdf

  14. Creating a Streaming Link

    Streaming YouTube.pdf

  15. A guide on how to create a QR presentation

    Creating a QR Code Presentation.pdf